Before we get into it, let's first briefly discuss where we stand with energy production. You'll see the importance of this later. Almost all traditional usable energy is created the same way. A fuel source (coal, plutonium, or natural gas) boils water. The water turns into steam. The steam rotates a turbine which creates electricity. Some renewable energy systems function the similarly (such as wind farming) and others, like solar energy, are simply direct energy to energy transfer.
None of these forms of energy production are necessary. We have a perpetual motion machine (a machine that powers itself. No fuel source is needed. It simply moves on its own). In fact, we have a monstrously gigantic perpetual motion machine. So big in fact, that it can power all the electrical needs of the entire planet. And here is the punch line: it is a planet.
Our Earth constantly rotates on its axis. This constant motion creates tangible electromagnetic energy. Hold a compass in your hand; the needle will spin around and eventually always point north. This is a visible symptom of the electromagnetic energy created by this perpetual motion machine we live on called Earth.
So how do we harness that electromagnetic energy into usable electricity?
A scientist by the name of Andre Geim won an Ig Noble prize for levitating a frog through electromagnetism by using Tesla coils. How was this possible? You see water can be levitated with electromagnetism, and frogs have more water in their bodies than any other creature.
Okay, here's where it all comes together. Remember at the beginning of this blog when I discussed how electricity is traditionally created? A machine causes water to move. That movement pushes a turbine which creates electricity. If you haven't figured it out yet I'll spell it out for you.
We live on a gigantic perpetual motion machine that creates electromagnetic energy capable of levitating water. That levitating water could push a turbine which would create enough usable energy to power the entire planet until the end of the world. Which is in about six minutes from now. So grab some peanuts and a couple of pints of bitter. Drink up!
thanks ford
ReplyDeleteYAY for all of this.